1. We reserve the right of admission.
  2. You will be in someone else’s house, take care of it and behave like a good guest and neighbor during your stay.
  3. The guest who made the reservation must be present for the entire stay; if they do not show up, their companions will not be admitted.
  4. All communication about the reservation will be exclusively with the titular guest as the person responsible for the reservation.
  5. The guest who is the owner and responsible for the reservation must provide one day prior to arrival the full name of each guest accompanying him and an image of the identity document of each one, except for minors.
  6. Entry to a greater number of guests than those indicated in the reservation is not permitted. Stays are exclusively for guests, visits are not allowed.
  7. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times and may not use or play with electrical controls and equipment.
  8. Do not use furniture and beds with wet clothes.
  9. It is not allowed to enter the house with sand, you must first remove the sand in the property’s external shower.
  10. It is not allowed to remove sand in the bathrooms of the rooms. Do not move furniture from where it is.
  11. Smoking or consuming illegal toxic substances is not allowed in the house, nor is it allowed to eat and drink in the pool.
  12. The burning of gunpowder is not permitted inside or around the property, within a residential condominium.
  13. You must always wear your sandals or non-slip shoes inside the property, to avoid accidents.
  14. Avoid putting yourself at risk in areas where you could slip or fall. Avoid swimming on the beach when the tide is high and near large stones.
  15. We recommend that you always swim in the center of the beach.
  16. We are not responsible for injuries or damages, the costs for any incident are the sole responsibility of the guest.
  17. The property of the house is inventoried, if by accident you cause any damage, report it immediately, and we will immediately send you the repair or replacement amount for payment.
  18. The Concierge is the only one authorized to manipulate (turn on/off the water pump, pools and jacuzzi).
  19. If you detect any equipment or object is not working properly, please DO NOT TRY TO REPAIR, just report it to the concierge so that he or she can take the necessary actions.
  20. A cash deposit amount is delivered at the time of Check In to respond for any damage or inconvenience caused. Which is returned at the time of Check out if there are no incidents.

    Make sure your guests know and follow the house rules.